#48 – Keeping it Fresh

How do you keep it fresh? if you play out occasionally it’s relatively easy. But if you play out a lot, it’s much bigger challenge… What are some guidelines? In general I have some rules I follow… – When playing at a town don’t...

#47 – Music is Subjective

Almost 20 years ago now when as  young dj I had my ego hurt about my music ‘not being psychedelic enough for moontribe’ my friend Mason gave me one of my most powerful perspectives by simply telling me that ‘all music is psychedelic.’...

#46 – Dealing with Rejection

When people look at the DJ it’s usually in the moment of glory – nobody else is controlling the music so all attention is on the DJ -well hopefully the music – but let’s be honest the DJ is in the spotlight up there. But how many rejections to do it...

# 45 – Festival Dreams

As a dancer your head may or may not be wrapping around 2020’s festival calendar this early in the year… but as a dj it should be At least if you are a dj that enjoys the great outdoors and the experience of outdoor events. It may be just January, but...

#44 – The Dj Booth

First of all, HAPPY NEW YEAR!  I hope you all had an amazing time celebrating and that things are off to a great start! Today’s MDJM is about the DJ booth, and rather than start off complaining, I’d like to start off with praise!  My most recent experience with the DJ...